What Makes A Good Alarm System

Alarm systems are becoming the norm for many newer households and quite frankly, older households to have. There are numerous security system companies that all claim to have your best interest in mind… but do they really? We can’t speak for other security companies, but we can tell you...

6 Myths About Residential Surveillance Systems Busted!

  Every day, there seems to be a new headline about some high-tech security system being hacked. Whether a bank or a retailer, it seems no one is safe from cybercrime. So, you may wonder if residential surveillance systems are worth it. Do all these cameras and sensors protect your...

Why You Should Have a Panic Button In Your Home

It’s often thought that security systems are used to keep your home safe when you’re away from it. However, there might also be times when you are at home, and an emergency occurs. This is the reason why you should have a panic button in your home. Panic buttons can take your home security...

10 Benefits Of Installing Motion Sensor Lights In Your Home

Are you always looking for ways to make your home more energy-efficient and safe? One method to achieve this is by introducing motion sensor lights. These lights are a great way to keep your home safe and provide extra peace of mind. Keep reading this Safelink Systems blog post to learn...

Glass Break Sensors: How Do They Function & Enhance Security?

If you're like most homeowners, securing your home is the ultimate priority! You’re always finding ways to add extra protection to your place, shortlisting options that suit your needs. And if you've been considering installing a glass break sensor, you're not alone. But how does a glass...