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10 Benefits Of Installing Motion Sensor Lights In Your Home

Are you always looking for ways to make your home more energy-efficient and safe? One method to achieve this is by introducing motion sensor lights. These lights are a great way to keep your home safe and provide extra peace of mind. Keep reading this Safelink Systems blog post to learn...

Protecting Your Home While On Vacation

Let’s be real. Every single person deserves vacations from work to maintain their sanity. But, unfortunately a lot of people spend their entire vacation time worrying about things back home, and that’s not a vacation. If you’re someone who falls under that category then Safelink Security...

Glass Break Sensors: How Do They Function & Enhance Security?

If you're like most homeowners, securing your home is the ultimate priority! You’re always finding ways to add extra protection to your place, shortlisting options that suit your needs. And if you've been considering installing a glass break sensor, you're not alone. But how does a glass...

30 Ways to Make Your Home Safer

There is no place on Earth without risks. Even your home– a place you’re supposed to feel comfortable and safe in– can be exposed to danger and harm. Home invasions, fires, even innocent accidents occur all the time, and could be life changing. That’s why it’s so important to take...

A Guide To Conducting A Physical Security Assessment

Most of us install security alarms and locks on our properties. We think that we have done enough to protect ourselves.   But is that the case? Are you confident that your home is as safe as it could be? Vandalism and theft, on-site accidents, and even extreme weather conditions can all...